🇱🇹 Summit IX – Attendee Package & Social Game

🇱🇹 Summit IX – Attendee Package & Social Game

This is the second of the three pre-conference issues of the newsletter. In the previous issue, we discussed this year's attendee numbers and the agenda. Today, we will talk about the attendee package and the Summit's Social Game. In the next issue, scheduled for Monday, September 2, we'll reiterate the actionable items and cover the services available at the conference.

Flying in / flying out


We now have the data for 250 arrivals, and if you're among these, well done – you have a pickup scheduled at the airport. If your flight times change – please alert Alma. For the other 100 attendees: if we don't hear from you before the end of this week, we assume that you solved this on your own (to call police in Vilnius, use 112).


We do not arrange drop-offs this year – please work with the hotel or use one of the online systems to set it up directly. What we can do, though, is hold your luggage at the Summit Camper, if you're leaving on September 5th, do that you can leave directly from the venue.

Fast Track Passes

If you fly business, your ticket may give you access to the fast track lane (full list here, the airlines include LH, SAS, Finnair, Brussels, Turkish, and a few others).

And if you don't have that, we have something for you: a complimentary Fast Track Pass (shown above). The pass is available at any time from the Summit Camper at the venue – please stop by to pick one, and I will also walk around to distribute these on the second day. At peak times, this lane (to the left, when you face security) saves 10-12 minutes easily.

Registration & Red Carpet

September 3 : Early Birds

If you attend game Workshop (September 3, 14:00-15:30), we will have your attendee bag already waiting for you there – as long as you use this form to sign up (we have about 10 seats left there as of this writing).

September 3

The registration opens at 16:00 at Hotel PACAI, right at the entrance to the courtyard, and runs until 21:00 (when we, coincidentally, close the bar). If you arrive to Vilnius later than that, please come for your attendee bag on the next day.

September 4

The registration re-opens at 08:00 at Art Museum, at the Summit Camper parked in the corner of the yard. As in 2023, we will have a rather enthusiastic group of security people, so please make sure that you wear your badge at all times.

Red Carpet

The Reception Dinner is always a great spot for taking a group photo of Taylor Wessing, Ecija and Kim & Chang under the glorious Wiggin banner:

But not everyone is so daring, and thus we came up with a new feature: this year, on the reception day, as you walk past the registration desk, you will see a spot with the Red Carpet – prepared specially for such photos.

Laima, the partner of our event's photographer Simas, will be there from 16:00 through 21:00 to take your pictures – alone or with friends, as you wish. These photos will be then uploaded to a standalone gallery, separate from the main event's series, yours to use (we will share the link in this newsletter).

The red carpet area works only on September 3, from 16:00 to 21:00.

Attendee Package

Attendee Bags

This year's attendee bags are green, and just like On Tour II's bags, are made sturdy – to be used as a beach bag, or a grocery bag, after the event.

At the Limassol conference, we noticed that at times people struggled to identify their own bag when placed next to another bag or two. Hence, new feature: personalized luggage tags. You'll find your name already printed there.


Roses are red, violets are blue; four colors of badges we offer to you:

Red stripe is for in-house counsels; blue stripe is for law firm lawyers; green marks industry executives (and includes the few people who work in education). The fourth color (not shown here) is black, and marks the finalists of Legal Challenge VII (there's 4 teams coming, 3 persons each).

Those who attend the conference for the first time, have an orange badge lanyard – please be extra courteous to them:

And those who have attended before (whether On Tour in Warsaw and Limassol, or the main Summit in Vilnius), have red lanyards:

Another new feature: this year, if your company is among the sponsors, you will also have the company's full-color logo on the badge (like Miller Thomson, a fine Canadian firm with 500 lawyers across 5 provinces, shown in the photo above).


Like every year, we worked with a small manufacturer in Riga to produce custom notebooks. You will find yours in the attendee bag, this year they have 84 pages.

Super Pass Hoodies

If you're one of the happy holders of a Super Pass, you will find your hoodie in the bag as well. This year the local producer, làbadienà, stitched them slightly oversized.


We produced a limited run (350) of pins with this year's cover art of the conference. These will be available, free of charge, from the registration desk and later from the Summit Camper – as long as supplies last. We will also offer the classic red pins.

Industry Dinner Tickets

Based on the preference indicated at the time of registration, in the attendee bag you will find your dinner ticket of the corresponding color.

These preferences cannot be changed.

Please bring the ticket to the Industry Dinner on September 4. This is the only sit-down dinner at the conference (the other two are free-flow), and the seating is organized by the preference of the main dish, as indicated by the color of the tables (8 people around each table).

Agenda & Directory

This is the only illustration that's a mockup and not a photo, as these books are still bring printed:

Inside, you will find:

  • agenda for the 3 days
  • one-page bios of each of the 53 speakers
  • a list of attendees grouped by company/law firm, in three categories

Many people use these directories as the bibles of who is who in the industry (ha ha, just pulling your leg here; but, to be fair, the directory works all right as a tool for prioritizing the new connections that you want to make – look through the attendee list, spot some old friends to catch up or new people you want to meet, and focus on those; 3 days is not nearly enough to meet each of the 345 attendees).

And now, god bless, let's talk about something which took days of prep work (and cost a small fortune) –

Summit's Social Game!

Some of you may recall that the first edition of the game involved trading law firm stickers in order to complete the full album, and claim the prize. The second edition was just a better execution of the same idea, and played out really fast. It became obvious that we need to move past the individual mechanics, and look at something with a team structure.

This year's social game was created by Alexander Ginzburg, Charlie Oscar's narrative designer, and revolves around crash-landed UFOs.

Here's what you need to know:

  • there are 30 teams, 11 crew members in each;
  • your team has crash-landed on Earth and needs to get back to whatever planet you came from; your spaceship needs 5 spare parts for a fix;
  • as you try to blend in with the earthlings, you decided to call yourselves with a normal, earthly name; the name of each team has a profession, and a country in it (e.g. "Investment Bankers of Cuba" or "Sailors of Mongolia"); the flag of the country is used on the team's pin IDs; it is unfortunate that some combinations seem unlikely to the locals, when you came up with your team's name, it sounded like something that won't stand out;
  • the crew lists have been randomized to place any coworkers into different teams; we made our best effort to mix the crews in a way that maximizes new connections;
  • each team has a captain, responsible for developing the strategy of the team; all 30 captains have been notified by now, and are aware of their roles.

Here's the list of all the teams:

On the first day of the game, September 3, each attendee will find the first part of the game in their attendee bags:

The envelope contains the rules of the game, the crew list of your team, and your crew ID. We ask you to pin the ID to your badge lanyard:

The ID of a regular crew member looks like this:

If you're a captain, you will have a special mark on your badge, so that others may find you – spelling TEAM CAPTAIN:

Your goal for the first day of the game is to go through the rules, meet the other crew members from your UFO, and to develop a communication protocol and a strategy that you will use for trading on the next day, so that you can fix your spaceship and leave this crazy planet (it also pays off to find out, which of your friends belong to which team, and to identify the captains of the other teams).

On the second day of the game, September 4, you can stop by the Summit Camper from 08:00 to collect the second part of the game:

If you're the captain, you will find there the blueprint for your ship, which you need to complete in order to claim the prizes:

If you're one of the crew, you'll find a copy of your spaceship's blueprint (for reference) and one tradable spare part:

The spares come in 2 types: related to the profession, or related to the country. This gives you a pretty good idea of which team may have one of those:

In order to complete the game, your team must repair its spaceship and present it to the Space Judge (available around the Camper), so that you get the prize tokens that look like this –

Each token can then be used by your crew members to claim 1 prize from the desk. We have put together 70 different prizes, enough to reward the first 6 teams that complete the liftoff, from the super-strong (2.5L of armagnac awarded to the first crew that repairs its spaceship, on top of all the other goodies) to the super-rare (a brand new red Summit hoodie from 2022 that we found in the storage!!) and to the super-cool (Chinese science fiction and one of the most acclaimed fantasy series from a Canadian D&D veteran) –

And this wraps today's newsletter.

To those traveling over the weekend:

I wish you a safe flight, and a timely arrival!

In the next issue, on Monday, we will talk about what really matters: the new health bar at the venue (fresh juice), the new drinks at the Reception Dinner (La Hechicera), and the new live cooking stations that will operate during the Garden Dinner.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please send a note to me or Alma while we can still read our emails =). See you next week!

// Sergei @ Charlie Oscar


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