🇮🇹🏃‍♀️ Running in Rome

🇮🇹🏃‍♀️ Running in Rome
The Morning Run at Games Industry Law Summit IX in Vilnius (2024)

If you attend Summit On Tour III in Rome and appreciate a bit of exercise in addition to all the learning and catching up, I have good news for you: 32% of the attendees signed up for the Morning Runs, and that makes 90 runners.

Of course, some will get fatigued and will have another thought; some will discover that they stay too far to join the community group; some will run just on the first day, and some – just on the second. But it's safe to say that on April 1 and on April 2, we expect the running groups to be at least 20-strong, and that's pretty fun!

This issue provides all the details that you need to know, if you plan to run in Rome. And before we start, I want to highlight one thing: this is not a performance group, this is not about beating the clock. This is about doing something fun, in the open air, in a beautiful setting, with a group of nice people. Whether we end up doing 3km or 6km, it matters not. What's important is to meet a few friends, goof around, and start the conference day with a bit more energy!

The Team Leader

Evelina Georgiades doing her usual things: planting trees (Limassol, 12/2024).

The team leader for the three Morning Runs in Rome is the friend of trees, trails and teamwork, an expert in sports medicine and a director of a law firm, Evelina Georgiades (🇨🇾 Chrysostomides). When you arrive to the meeting point, look for Evelina (and if you have questions or suggestions, feel free to contact her beforehand).

The Runs

As you can see from the agenda, we plan 3 runs:

April 1, Tuesday – 09:00 - 10:30 – "relaxed"
April 2, Wednesday – 07:00 - 08:00 – "regular"
April 3, Thursday – 07:00 - 08:00 – "audience choice"

The runs on April 2 and April 3 will be timed to finish on the clock, so that everyone can shower and change at their hotels before the conference starts.

The Meeting Point

The meeting point on all 3 days is the same: the corner of Circo Massimo shown on the map above. If you're staying around the venue, close to the Colosseo, then it's a nice stroll from there, and you will encounter quite a few runners along the way as it's a known stretch for the morning practice.

This is how the corner looks in more detail:

As Rome is a big city, we understand that not every runner will be in a position to get here – perhaps you will find yourself staying closer to Villa Borghese? Then, definitely, do the circuit right there.

To reiterate, on all 3 days we start from the corner shown above:

We start at 09:00 on April 1.
We start at 07:00 on April 2.
We start at 07:00 on April 3.

The Routes

Last weekend was the weekend of the 30th Rome Marathon, which had a marathon village right at Circo Massimo.

On April 1, we plan to borrow a bit of that marathon's route and do one loop around Isola Tiberina ("Isola" on the map above), then another up the Aventine Hill ("Giardini") – they show two rather different sides of Rome.

On April 2, we may do one of these routes, or stay grounded in the circus area, depending on how the timing works (the circus itself is about 500 meters long, going around Isola Tiberina and back makes for about 3km).

On April 3, the route will be defined by the voting of those who show up. If the water in the Tiber is not too high, perhaps a dash along the river? Or a higher-speed run around the circus. Up to the runners!

Why run in Rome?

The Morning Run at Games Industry Law Summit IX in Vilnius (2024)

Running is a great way to experience another city – the light, the sounds, the smells, the people who, like you, also jog in the morning.

Running is also a community activity where each of us needs to align to the tempo of others, to make it work. Some people will be receptive, some will take off without care for the rest – you'll make new friends, and reaffirm your liking of the old ones who stick around.

Just like offering more 0% alcohol options, and serving more healthier food, expanding the practice of running at the Summits is a part of our overall ambition to make these conferences work for all of you: come back recharged, have met wonderful people, eaten greener food, with enough physical activity to give you better sleep and more energy for the days to come.

And, let's also admit it, our diverse community just looks good on the run! 😄

See you in Rome (current attendee count: 275), and see you at the runs (09:00 April 1, 07:00 April 2 and April 3). And if anything, please ping Evelina!

// Sergei @ Charlie Oscar

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